It’s ironic. As the Obiden team rolled into power, those who spoke truth were immediately censored. Free speech and tyranny can’t coexist, so my Twitter and FB accounts were “locked” without explanation.
Twitter, now “X,” still is. Repeated requests to close my account were ignored. Turns out it’s just as well. This post is today just as needed as it was on August 10, 2021, and I can’t delete it.
Today there is no issue more important than having an honest 2024 election. That starts by fixing the stolen 2020 election. It’s why my account is locked, why Trump is facing charges of hundreds of years in prison, and it is also the topic of our new book Invisible Treason.
We are living the old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times.”
Our book’s cover reflects the new type of “Unrestricted War” with China, the New World Order, and the Marxist Left (the uni-party) driving this. It’s not a war with kinetic weapons, but one of treason, corruption, and betrayal. We are losing.
It’s not possible to yet know how this will end. One more stolen election will likely be “game over.” That would mark the end of the America we love.
We can predict the next major battle. It’s been framed by President Trump and others, “WE WILL NOT COMPLY.” No more COVID lock downs, no more loss of our rights to assemble, or to have free speech and safety in our homes.
There is a new media, CloutHub, coming together to allow free discussions. It will allow conferences, interviews, emails, and broadcasts uncensored and unrestricted.
The first major event just happened, with my coauthor and friend, General Paul Vallely, as a major participant. It was predicted to have half a million views by the next day, and did. There were three major issues:
Do Not Comply! (stop the next COVID lockdown)
Ukraine (avoid a needless, possibly nuclear, war)
Maui (Test run #2 to destroy private property and communities)
Several issues of concern are discussed. Laws are now in place to allow government intervention before (possibly planned) disasters. This happened in Maui.
FEMA was there before the fires. Schools were closed to keep people inside. The government locked people in their homes, blocked roads, and prevented them from leaving. They murdered thousands of innocent people, and are hiding the gruesome deaths and the body counts. News is censored. Officials are hiding the horrors.
Why did Maui have to burn? Why are Democrats, Marxists, and Globalists working so hard to destroy communities, murder children, erase neighborhoods, and collapse nation-states? We know why. They wrote it down.
Many in power now want a world run by unaccountable oligarchs, with “smart cities” a complaint populace, and greatly reduced population. They seek a green planet Nirvana, one with no farting cows, reduced freedoms, and crickets as food.
That’s the UN/WEF/China plan. Beautiful Maui (and America) does not fit in.
The WEF wants a world of beautiful, clean “smart cities.” Maui must burn, nations must collapse, and millions must die, but that’s a detail. Why call them “smart cities?”
Because it sounds better than “labor camps.” I think this will not end well. The world is a dangerous place, and it may get worse. It will get worse unless free, honest elections are allowed. A repeat of the stolen 2020 election would trigger disaster.
Of more concern is that “unknowable laws” are already in place. Biden has a March 17, 2021 Insurrection Act that may allow private militias to act before disasters to control and restrict people, as per Maui, above.
When we “DO NOT COMPLY” will citizens be facing gunned up Deep State militias? Perhaps. Think, Jan 6, writ large. No jab? Resist? It’s the Gulag for you.
It gets worse. The biggest issue, to me, is that there are apparently laws or Executive Orders in process that will allow Federal Agencies to have “pre-crime components.”
Say what? It’s like the old movie Minority Report, where you could be arrested if it is judged that you might commit a crime. Even though you have not committed one.
If this sounds absurd, the tax bureaucracies (soon to be gunned up, and now buying .40 cal rounds for sub-machine guns) have had pre-crime units for years.
The “CloutHub conference” (see the link below) discussed such issues.
This conference had a focus on bioweapons, of which Ukraine has been a major source (thanks to Biden) and hence a threat to Russia. However, of more interest to me is the warning that Twitter now tracks posts with AI, like in the movie "Minority Report." And the Biden Administration wants to set up a bureaucracy to track your posts for thought crimes. The IRS has been doing this for some time. Biden wants to set up pre-crime tracking for things like COVID-- so you can be arrested for resisting masks and jabs. "Health Security." Congress must not allow this.
Our team is making sure this podcast gets posted in various places, and I encourage you to do the same. Please put the link into your Twitter, GAB, Telegram, and any other social media feeds. It helps when referencing something exciting or intriguing in the conversation/podcast.
On this note, if you post to Twitter, please help people understand that they’re being marked, tagged, and mapped for the AI to create a model of them for predictive behavior, including the pre-crime divisions of our government. You may not know that the IRS has had a pre-crime division for many years now – they’re predicting who will commit tax fraud based on people’s social media habits. That program is being expanded globally so the Powers can start carting troublemakers off to the organ donation and long-pig (human) meat factories. I wish it weren’t so.
Big Brother is watching. Soon it may be THOUGHT CRIMES.
Election 2024 is our last chance to take America back.
I’ve Been Searching For This Video! This Video Gets Immediately Banned Every Time It Gets Put Back Up
Check Out These Oprah “Coincidences” With The Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fires
REPORTED: Oprah Hired A Private Firefighting Team To Protect Her Land PRIOR TO THE FIRES 🚨
“We were so concerned about what was happening in Maui. You're so concerned about what's happening in Maui that you somehow managed to hire a private firefighting team to protect your land before the fire started. You're so concerned about what's happening in Maui that instead of taking some of that land and housing even a small portion of those displaced people, you've hired a private security team to keep them off your land. You're so concerned about Maui that you simply haven't had time to denounce any of the shady real estate deals which are robbing people of everything they have.
You know, like the ones you were involved in that helped you acquire that land for pennies on the dollar of what it was actually worth. You're so concerned about Maui that instead of taking what would amount to a year salary for you and four or five of your billionaire friends, which could be used to rebuild the entire place in a matter of months, you're jumping on social media and asking the American public, most of whom can't afford to pay their rent right now, to do it for you. You're so concerned about Maui that it's more important that you get social media points than that you help.”
DEWs, Direct Energy Weapons
#Hawaii #Maui #MauiFires #Lahaina #LahainaFires #DEWs #DirectedEnergyWeapons