
Big Brother is watching. Soon it may be THOUGHT CRIMES.

Election 2024 is our last chance to take America back.

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I’ve Been Searching For This Video! This Video Gets Immediately Banned Every Time It Gets Put Back Up

Check Out These Oprah “Coincidences” With The Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fires

REPORTED: Oprah Hired A Private Firefighting Team To Protect Her Land PRIOR TO THE FIRES 🚨

“We were so concerned about what was happening in Maui. You're so concerned about what's happening in Maui that you somehow managed to hire a private firefighting team to protect your land before the fire started. You're so concerned about what's happening in Maui that instead of taking some of that land and housing even a small portion of those displaced people, you've hired a private security team to keep them off your land. You're so concerned about Maui that you simply haven't had time to denounce any of the shady real estate deals which are robbing people of everything they have.

You know, like the ones you were involved in that helped you acquire that land for pennies on the dollar of what it was actually worth. You're so concerned about Maui that instead of taking what would amount to a year salary for you and four or five of your billionaire friends, which could be used to rebuild the entire place in a matter of months, you're jumping on social media and asking the American public, most of whom can't afford to pay their rent right now, to do it for you. You're so concerned about Maui that it's more important that you get social media points than that you help.”

DEWs, Direct Energy Weapons

#Hawaii #Maui #MauiFires #Lahaina #LahainaFires #DEWs #DirectedEnergyWeapons


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Election 2012: Stolen. Election 2016: Almost stolen. Election 2020: Stolen

Election 2022: Stolen Election 2024: Working on it.

No computers. Paper ballots, photo ID, and same day voting.

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Election 2024 is America's last chance to retain freedom. There will be major efforts to delay, cancel, or steal the election. Another lockdown is near certain.

COVID is biowar and genocide. It is time for Nuremberg 2.0


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Thank you. I will pass along!

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I've shared this far and wide. People need to see this.

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Orwell would be proud.

We now see 5 G war, with bio-weapons (COVID and more), Mind War, and Treason. Sadly, most in power have betrayed us -- they call it "Executive Capture" instead of "corruption." Our Elections have been stolen. Directed Energy Weapons are now used against our citizens.

We are deprived of due process and imprisoned for "thought crimes." J6 was only the beginning. Election 2024 is probably America's last chance to stay free.

Our new book’s cover reflects the new type of “Unrestricted War” with China, the New World Order, and the Marxist Left (the uni-party) as deadly enemies. It’s not a war with kinetic weapons, but one of treason, corruption, and betrayal. We are losing.


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“Give me LIBERTY,

or give me DEATH”

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